Image of peace cranes


Increasing engagement and raising awareness

The Centre for Women, Peace and Security hosts conferences, workshops, roundtable discussions, seminars, and a range of open public events. 

Follow us on Twitter or join our mailing list to keep up to date with our events, publications and activities.  



Summer of Research Culture Event Series 

WPS hosted three events to look at the key issues on the women, peace and security agenda with academics within LSE and beyond to open up future research agendas.

The first session explored issues of misogyny and gender-based violence (GBV), particularly in relation to extremism, GBV as a hate crime and the impact of online GBV in fragile settings. The second session focused on the upcoming 25th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and asked participants to take stock of the progress made and the implementation gaps that remain. The final session looked at the realities of the WPS agenda and included speakers from countries with some of the worst records of GBV in the world.  

LSE Empowering Afghan Women Entrepreneurs (Document (A4))

Afghanistan Conference Series

Over 150 delegates met at LSE’s Centre for Women, Peace and Security conference on Monday 3 June, to debate the current situation in Afghanistan and to demand the international community insists basic rights and freedoms are restored for women and girls in the country as a condition of any aid or economic investment.   

Afghan women leaders, living in exile in UK and USA, shared details of the worsening conditions women and girls are forced to endure. The conference concluded that: “The Taliban is at war with half its population” and the Centre released a statement declaring that there should be no recognition or talks with the Taliban military regime unless the cruel restrictions on women and girls are lifted. 


Gender Based Violence Focus Workshop with Dr Regina Mwatha  

In March 2024, WPS hosted Dr Regina Mwatha from Kenyatta University in Kenya and part of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Hub to explore gender-based violence (GBV) and strategies for engaging men in its prevention. The workshop was funded by the LSE Global Research Fund, and discussions highlighted the importance of holding men accountable while also finding ways to reach even hostile individuals.


Women, Diplomacy, Foreign Policy and Peacemaking 

In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Centre co-hosted an event titled Women and Diplomacy: From the Interwar to the Cold War. International scholars spoke about new approaches to cultural diplomatic history and particularly on influential women and women’s rights movements throughout the 20th Century. The stories of Eleanor Dulles, Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, and Juliet Stuart Poyntz serve as powerful reminders of the obstacles women faced in the realm of diplomacy and international affairs. 




The politics of knowledge production: Feminist reflections on Russia’s war against Ukraine 

Monday 28 November 2022

This panel explored questions surrounding voice, expertise and silence in debates of and about war, catalysed by the speakers reflections, expertise and experiences on Russia’s war against Ukraine.

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Afghanistan and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Women's global agency and diplomacy

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Join the Gender, Justice and Security Hub to continue the conversation on the future of WPS and highlight the critical players and untapped resource(s) in the form of women’s agency and diplomacy in addressing the WPS needs in contexts like Afghanistan.


Women's Access to Transitional Justice in Timor-Leste: Book launch

Friday 21 October 

This event is a launch for Noemi Peréz's book Women's Access to Transitional Justice in Timor-Leste. This book delivers a panoramic assessment of access to transitional justice from a gender perspective, providing a deep analysis of the situation in Timor-Leste.

Updated Filmmaking 130 x 130

Visual communications and feminist methodologies in researching peace

Thursday 19th May

This panel explores filmmaking and visual communication as a feminist methodology in seeking a gender-just peace. Panellists will share their experiences of using film to centre women’s experiences in conflict and peacebuilding and discuss how it offers a participatory methodology that allows for people to speak and be heard for themselves.

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Book launch 130 x 130

Conversations on Feminist Peace: book launch

Thursday 19 May

This event is a launch for Feminist Conversations on Peace (Bristol University Press, forthcoming July 2022). This edited collection brings together conversations across borders and boundaries which explore plural, intersectional and interdisciplinary concepts of feminist peace.

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Intersectionality 130 x 130

Intersectionality in times of crisis 

Wednesday 18 May

The goal of this panel is to examine the importance of intersectional considerations, from multiple perspectives, especially in times of crisis and in regard to gendered peace.

Global Backlash 130 x 130

Gender Justice and the Global Backlash

Friday 13 May

The panellists will address the multiple dimensions of the gloabl backlash against gender justice, and also consider how it can and must be resisted and how academics, activists and practitioners can work together to build solidarity and entrench past gains and so ‘push back against the push back’. 

Belfast Peace 130 x 130

Contemporary Challenges to Women, Peace and Security

Tuesday 10 May

This event explores the challenges, including women’s exclusion from high level negotiations around war and peace, though a conversation between three senior women academics and activists with decades of experience in law, politics and the prevention of violence.

Beyond Vertical 130 x 130

Beyond the Vertical: What enables women to mediate

Wednesday 27 April 

The Women Mediators Across the Commonwealth (WMC) network are joined by Conciliation Resources for the launch of their joint report Beyond the Vertical: What Enables Women Mediators to Mediate.

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ICAN 21 in 21 130 x 130

Event round-up: The Coming of Age of The Women, Peace and Security: 21 in 2021

Throughout 2021, Centre Director Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE,  hosted conversations with pioneering women peacebuilders from around the world and their allies working internationally on issues of peace and security. From Syria to Myanmar they shared their extraordinary experiences and perspectives of where their personal lives and activism intersected with some of the world's most complex political and security challenges.

Watch all event recordings

Watch our snapshot video of the 21 in 2021 series


Sexual Violence 130 x 130

Why Women's Lives Don't Matter: ignoring sexual violence in conflict

7 December

Join Surood Mohammed Falih, Pramila Patten and Robinah Rubimbwa to reflect on factors that give rise to sexual violence, persistent gaps in state and multilateral efforts as well as the effective prevention and response strategies that have been put in place. 

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Ezgi 130 x 130

Gendered Experiences of Migration and Urban Life: Migrant Women in Beirut, Erbil, Islamabad and Istanbul

29 November

Join the Gender, Justice and Security Hub to examine the gendered dynamics of international labour migration of women and their experiences in urban space in four countries: Kurdistan-Iraq; Lebanon; Pakistan and Turkey.

Politics_Peace 130 x 130

Putting Peace Back into Politics

9 November

Join Professor Monica McWilliams, Halima Mohamed, and Dr Amina Rasul to discuss the challenges and obstacles of putting peace back onto the agenda and back into politics.

Image credit: James Chen

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Peace Edu 130 x 130

Gendering Peace Education: In-between Dialogue, Difference and Dissidence

28 October

Join Shweta Singh to ask: is the trajectory of peace education about paying attention to the ‘politicization of experiences’, and re-centering our gaze to the language of dialogue, difference and dissidence?

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WPS 21 130 x 130

The 21st Anniversary of the WPS Agenda: Progress or Regress?

26 October

In this month’s “Coming of Age of WPS: 21 in 2021” event, Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE will talk with three generations of Women peacebuilders: Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, a pioneer, whose work is among the inspirational forces behind the agenda; Enass Muzamel, a humanitarian practitioner and human rights activist, spearheading civic and youth engagement; and Ahlem Nasraoui, a leader and influencer, embracing new methods and practices for peacebuilding.

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Peace Edu 130 x 130

Rethinking peace education in a time of endless wars

25 October

Join Professor Dianne Otto to ask: what does ‘peace’ mean to us, and to our students, in today’s world of endless wars? How can we explain why the project of ‘universal peace’, so ardently dreamed of by the ‘peoples’ of the United Nations in 1945, has failed so profoundly?

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Magazine 130 x 130

Crisis as an Opportunity for Transformative Change

22 October

This event is co-hosted with the Women’s International Peace Centre and launches the second edition of their Feminist Peace Series magazine. The 2nd edition focuses on how women and, in particular, feminist peace activists are responding to the direct and indirect consequences of Covid-19 and elaborate on the practical and theoretical implications for feminist peace.

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Afghanistan 2 130 x 130

Is Peace Just the Absence of War?

21 September

21 September marks the International Day of Peace, an opportunity to commit to building a culture of peace. But what exactly is a culture of peace and how do we build it? On this 40th anniversary of World Peace Day our world is far from peaceful.

This is the 6th session in the Coming of Age of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda series.

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Colombia 130 x 130

Taking Stock of Gender Equality in Colombia: Data and Reflections

16 September

Join us for a conversation about gender equality in Colombia regarding economic, social, and political rights and peace-building, conflict and justice. To begin, data published in the report Taking Stock of Gender Equality in Colombia: An Overview will be presented, followed by a more in-depth discussion with invited commentators.

This event will be held in Spanish with translation into English. 

Watch event recording (Spanish)


Art & Memory 130 x 130

Art and Memory

28 July

This event discussed the role of the arts in remembering and making visible the effects of conflict, especially its hidden and uncommon narratives. 

This event was hosted by the Gender, Justice and Security Hub of which the Centre is a lead partner. 

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Gendered Migration 130 x 130

Gendered Dynamics of International Labour Migration

27 July

This event presented results from the “Gendered Dynamics of International Labour Migration” project studying the economic and socio-cultural practices, including gender discrimination, of female international labour migration, and their experiences during Covid-19. 

This event was hosted by the Gender, Justice and Security Hub of which the Centre is a lead partner. 

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Covid-19 130 x 130

Exposing the cracks: COVID-19 and global inequality

27 July

This event brought together researchers from the Gender, Justice and Security Hub; the ARISE Hub; and the Migration for Development and Equality Hub to discuss whether the pandemic can be used as a disruption to the system – exposing cracks that can be exploited to confront power and inequality – or whether it is business-as-usual, exacerbating inequalities and privileging those with power.

This event was hosted by the Gender, Justice and Security Hub of which the Centre is a lead partner. 

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Myanmar 130 x 130

Survival and Activism under Occupation

29 June

With a focus on Myanmar and Palestine, for our fifth session in the Coming of Age of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda series, Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE is in conversation with Agnes Callamard, Secretary General at Amnesty International and formerly the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Killings; May Sabe Phyu, Director of the Gender Equality Network; and Lucy Talgieh, Palestinian Council member and peacebuilder from Wi'am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center.

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SARS 130 x 130

Predatory States and Ungoverned Spaces: who assumes the responsibility to protect?

29 April

This discussion drew attention to the growing challenge of failed governance by states, the emergence of ungoverned and ‘alternatively governed’ spaces, and the implications for civilians with a focus on Nigeria and Yemen. 

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African Migration 130 x 130

African migration, human rights and literature

21 April

This event launched Professor Fareda Banda’s publication African migration, human rights and literature (Bloomsbury, 2020). In the book, Professor Banda examines the topic of migration through the prism of law and literature, using a rich mix of novels, short stories, literary realism, human rights and comparative literature to explore the experiences of African migrants and asylum seekers. 

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Sheri Book Launch 130 x 130

The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis Book Launch

26 March

The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis offers a cutting-edge analysis of the relationship between law, armed conflict, gender and peace. This book, which is the first of two volumes, focuses on the interplay between international law and gendered experiences of armed conflict. It provides an in-depth analysis of the key debates on collective security, unilateral force, the laws governing conflict, terrorism and international criminal law.

This event is co-hosted with The School of Law and Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex


Turkey Hub 130 x 130

Council of Europe Istanbul Convention and Problems in Judicial Practice

25 March

A discussion on violence against women and transgender people in Turkey through the perspective of the judicial system and the problems in the implementation of international law. 

This event is hosted by the Gender, Justice and Security Hub.

Watch event recording 

(Translation of this event will be availbale soon)


Christine Book Launch 130 x 130

Women, Peace and Security and International Law

18 March

This event launched Christine Chinkin’s book on Women, Peace and Security and International Law (CUP, forthcoming). Commentators—Eyal Benvenisti, Hilary Charlesworth, Radhika Coomaraswamy, Monica Hakimi, Mary Kaldor, Karen Knop, and Keina Yoshida— will gather to discuss Professor Chinkin’s new book with the author and interested participants.


Cranes 130 x 130

Talking to Extremists: Gender, power and belonging

23 February

In the second event of the "Coming of Age of Women Peace and Security, In Conversation" series, Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE will host three guests who have had the courage and conviction to talk to extremists.

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Nature 130 x 130

Defending The Future: gender, conflict and environmental peace

1 February

This event launched a report by LSE WPS, Women’s International Peace Centre and Gender Action for Peace and Security on the intersection of WPS, climate change, ecological destruction and conflict affected situations. 

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Covid_Hub_PLP_130 x 130

COVID-19 and its Impact on Gender, Justice and Security

25 January

This event took stock of changing social and political landscapes, locally and internationally, one year into the COVID-19 pandemic. Three Co-Directors of the UKRI GCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub discussed key questions around the response to and impact of the pandemic on social rights, as well as the opportunities for positive change. 

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WMN 130 x 130

Warfare and Peacemaking in the 21st Century: who's taking responsibility to protect and promote peace

19 January

In this, the first 'In Conversation with' event, Centre Director Sanam Naraghi Anderlini, delved into the real world experiences and efforts to bring the vision and promise of the WPS agenda to life.

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Tribunal 130 x 130

Gendered Peace: The Legacy of the Tokyo Women’s Tribunal 10 December

Twenty years ago, the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery took place in Tokyo, Japan. Join us for the streaming of a new documentary that reflects on the Tribunal. The documentary commemorates the anniversary by acknowledging the Tribunal as a significant landmark and exploring its legacy. The streaming will be followed by a panel discussion between some of those involved in the work of the Tribunal and featuring in the documentary.

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Tribunal 130 x 130

Gendered Peace: The Legacy of the Tokyo Women’s Tribunal - 8 December

Twenty years ago, the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery took place in Tokyo, Japan. The documentary commemorates the anniversary by acknowledging the Tribunal as a significant landmark and exploring its legacy. The streaming was followed by a panel discussion between some of those involved in the work of the Tribunal and featuring in the documentary.

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Berghof 130 x 130

Women’s Agency in War and Peace: Bridging the gap on female (ex-)combatants in the UNSCR 1325 agenda - 2 December

This event will give the floor to female representatives from (former) resistance and liberation movements to share their experiences, aspirations and lessons learnt for effective war-to-peace transitions, and by reflecting with UN1325 experts on the challenges and opportunities of supporting those women’s agency in negotiations and peacebuilding processes.

Library event 130 x 130

Stories From Feminist Peace Archives and How to Find Them

Join us for this online webinar where three speakers will tell some of the fascinating stories from their archives that cover the theme of feminist peace. This event is suitable for anyone interested in finding out more about feminist peace archives, and perhaps those interested in researching these topics further and undertaking archival research.

This event is co-hosted by the LSE Library.

New Directions 130 x 130

New Directions in Women, Peace and Security: Climate, Race, Sexuality, Militarism - 13th October

What does the Women, Peace and Security agenda include today? To mark the publication of the edited collection New Directions in Women, Peace and Security (Bristol University Press, 2020), this webinar explores the challenges, tensions and future directions for the agenda as we approach the twentieth anniversary of its founding resolution.

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Visiosn 2 130 x 130

International and Inter-Governmental Institutions: what mandate for a gender-just peace? - 29 September

This panel explores strategies and practices of feminist peace from the perspective of international mandate holders and institutions. It queries how such a vision might be secured, not least in the contemporary political climate and in light of the current global pandemic.

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Visiosn 2 130 x 130

How Feminist Peace Can Transform Power, People, and Our Planet - 28 September

Join feminist peace activists and WILPF leaders Joy Onyesoh, Amani Beainy, Jamila Afghani, Melissa Torres and Madeleine Rees for a frank discussion and critical analysis of how feminist peace can transform the systems of power within our societies that generate inequality, violence, and environmental degredation.

Together, panelists will explore feminist analysis, stories, and alternative paths toward change that centre the lived realities and experiences of women around the world.

This event is hosted by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

Visiosn 2 130 x 130

Citizens of the World Choir - 23 September

The Citizens of the World Choir will perform via livestream, reflecting on the concept of ‘feminist peace’. 

 Watch the performance 

Visiosn 2 130 x 130

Strategies & Practices for Gender-Just Peacebuilding 23 September

This panel is a discussion among women peacebuilders, exploring the strategies pursued by peacebuilders in reimagining and rearticulating peaceful geographies. The discussion will explore what constitutes a feminist peace and strategies to pursue it, as well as how we might articulate peace as plural, complex, intersectional and multi-sited.

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Visiosn 2 130 x 130

Transforming Power to Put Women at the Heart of Peacebuilding - 21 September

 A new discussion paper Transforming power to put women at the heart of peacebuilding, a collection of regional-focused essays on Feminist Peace and Security will be launched on 21st September 2020. This day marks World Peace Day, and launches a series of events leading up to the Open Debates for Women Peace and Security and the 20th Anniversary of UN1325 resolution.

This event is hosted by OXFAM.

Visiosn 2 130 x 130

Can we Archive Memories? Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp and beyond - 17 September

“Greenham Woman Everywhere” is a project to interview the women who formed the Greenham Common Peace Camp, which was established to protest nuclear weapons being placed at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, between 1981 – 2000. This special panel event will include a discussion from the organisers of the Greenham Woman Everywhere project alongside LSE Library archivists, where we will explore some of the issues around archiving memories such as those of Greenham Common and beyond.

This event is co-hosted by the Centre and the LSE Library. 

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Visiosn 2 130 x 130

International Law and a Gender-Just Peace - 15 September

A discussion among international lawyers and experts, this panel explores what might be the components of a feminist peace, how such a vision might be possible in today’s international law and what changes to the structures of international law might be needed.

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130 x 130 academic event

The Role of Academia in Realising the Promise of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - 8 September

As we look forward to the next decade of the Women, Peace and Security agenda, this event will examine the role, contributions and potential of academic institutions – in research, advocacy, education and cross-sector engagement – in addressing the gaps that exist, determining how best to prepare and serve the next generation and contribute to the full realisation of the WPS agenda.

This event is hosted by the LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security in partnership with the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and SecurityMonash Gender, Peace and Security Centre and the Women, Peace and Security Institute in Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre. 

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Hub Corona 130 x 130

“Waging war” against “a little flu” – Masculinities & COVID-19 - 30th July

This event will explore how individual and institutional responses to the pandemic have at times been shaped by stereotypically ‘masculine’ ideas of what catastrophes look like and how they need to be managed. We will consider if and how these responses have fallen short of recognising the reality of pandemics and understanding what is needed for communities to cope.

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WMN 130 x 130

Mediation or Militarization: Resolving Conflicts in the Age of Corona - 14th July

This seminar will bring together the experiences of women peacebuilders from the Women Mediators across the Commonwealth (WMC) network who for many years have been mediating multi-party conflicts, and who are now also responding to the challenges that COVID-19 presents in conflict-settings with pragmatism, agility and flexibility.

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Words 130 x 130

Where are the words? - 8 July

Join is for a presentation of the "Where are the Words? The Disappearance of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the Language of Country-Specific UN Security Council Resolutions” report, co-authored between Sarah Kenny Werner (WILPF) and Elena Stavrevska (LSE WPS).

OSCE 130 x 130

Implementing Women, Peace and Security: Localisation in the OSCE Region - 1 June

This webinar aims to present the results of the recent study Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the OSCE Region and will focus on and discuss one of the main findings - how to further develop localisation of the implementation of the women, peace and security agenda and National Action Plans. 

This event is co-hosted with the OSCE Secretariat/Gender Section and the UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

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Monash 130 x 130

COVID-19 and Violent Extremism: Gender Perspectives - 3 June 

Though focus is often placed on the government response to COVID19, the pandemic has also allowed for violent extremist groups to both leverage and capitalise off the effects of COVID-19 which impacts both women and men differently.

This event is co-hosted with the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and SecurityMonash Gender, Peace and Security Centre and the Women, Peace and Security Institute in Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre. 

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130 x 130

Transformative Peace and National Action Plans: Yemen’s story - 2 June 

With the war in its sixth year, the panellists will explore both the potential of and gaps in Yemen’s NAP during these uncertain times and draw on examples from similar contexts.

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Prio 130 x 130

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the time of COVID-19: A hidden pandemic? - 27 May 

This seminar asks how and in what ways the global COVID-19 pandemic has impacted sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) from the perspectives of policy making, advocacy and practice. This seminar also asks how the COVID-19 responses have impacted women, girls, and LGBTQ+ persons affected by conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV)

This event is co-hosted with the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and SecurityGeorgetown Institute for Women, Peace and SecuritySecurityMonash Gender, Peace and Security Centre and the Women, Peace and Security Institute in Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre. 

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COVID 130 x 130

The COVID-19 Crisis Response: Putting Women at the Centre - 29th April 

Perhaps more than previous epidemics, COVID-19 has demonstrated that whilst outbreaks can affect anyone, women are often differentially affected – within the home, within the economy and within policy space. This seminar considers the role of women in leadership and the impact of COVID-19 on women.

This event is co-hosted with the LSE Institute of Global Affairs and is part of a series of events from the gender, peace and security academic consortium.

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COVID-19 130 x 130

COVID-19: A Gender Perspective on the Growing Humanitarian Crisis - 8th April 

Join leading experts for a virtual discussion on the urgent need for a gender-responsive approach to mitigating COVID-19 and global strategies for effectively addressing the pandemic's impact.

This event is co-hosted with the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and SecurityMonash Gender, Peace and Security Centre and the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre.

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Economies of Peace 130 x 130

Economies of Peace: Economy Formation Processes in Conflict-Affected Societies - 26th February 

This event launches the book Economies of Peace: Economy Formation Processes in Conflict-Affected Societies, examining processes and outcomes of the interaction of economic reforms and socio-economic peacebuilding programmes with, and international interventions in, people’s lived realities in conflict-affected societies. 

Arms Trade 130 x 130

Challenging the Arms Trade - 20th February 

The arms trade fuels war, exacerbates regional tensions, gives succour to human right abusers and squanders resources. It is supported by governments and the arms companies. This talk, co-hosted with the LSE Library will look at the arms trade, with a focus on the UK, over the past four decades and see how opposition to it has been growing. 

Sanam Anderlini 100 x 100

When the Going Gets Tough: Women and the future of Global Peace and Security - 10th February 

On the 5th anniversary of the LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security we take a look ahead with the new Centre Director Sanam Naraghi Anderlini.

Sanam will discuss the role, experiences and ongoing contributions of women, particularly national and transnational women's movements in tackling some of the the world's most intractable security threats and conflicts.

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Women Mediators 130 x 130

Intractable Conflicts, Inspired Peacemakers: Voices from the frontline - 25 November 

Members of the Women Mediators from across the Commonwealth Network will discuss what it means to be a mediator across different spaces.

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Laura Shepherd 130 x 130

Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: national action plans and beyond - 3 October 

Professor Laura Shepherd provides an overview of the mechanisms for implementation on the National Action Plans (NAPs) and introduces a new database that presents quantitative analysis of the 81 current national action plans to identify trends and emerging issues.

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Otto 130x 130jpg

Rethinking Peace From a Queer Feminist Perspective - 26 September 

What does peace mean in today’s world of endless wars? Why has the project of ‘universal peace’, so ardently hoped for by the drafters of the UN Charter in 1945, failed so profoundly? Professor Otto reflects on these questions through three stories of peace.

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Greenham Common 130 x 130

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp: foreign relations law from the ground up - 24 September 

Professor Karen Knop on What can we learn from the Greenham Women's situated struggle and the legal ecosystem it generated about the nature of foreign relations law, where it ‘takes place’ and what a feminist vision might look like.

Image credit: Ceridwen CC BY-SA 2.0

Enloe 130 x 130

#Metoo Shines a Bright Light on Genuine Security - 25 September 

Professor Cynthia Enloe talks about how #Metoo has impacted the ways in which global security is understood, experienced and practiced.

This is a jointly sponsored event with the School of Security Studies, Kings College London. 

Feminist Judgements 130 x 130

 Feminist Judgments in International Law - 19 September 

This event celebrates the launch of the book  Feminist Judgments in International Law , followed by a discussion about what the feminist project of rewriting and reimagining contributes to feminist methodologies and, more specifically, to work on peace.

Mansour Kholoud

A Feminist Perspective of the Syrian Political Process: Return of Displaced Syrians, Reconstruction, and an Engendered Constitution - 10 June 

This event marked the launch of policy papers by the Syrian Women’s Political Movement on an engendered constitution, the return of displaced Syrians and reconstruction. Speakers: Kholoud Mansour (pictured), Wejdan Nassif, Lina Wafai. Chair: Dr Marsha Henry. 

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Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as Part of the WPS Project - 28 May 

This panel provides an opportunity to consider the inclusion and collaboration with LGBTQ individuals in the WPS agenda. Speakers: Nour Abu-Assab, Henri Myrttinen and Jamie J. Hagen (pictured). Chair: Marsha Henry.

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Where Would We Be Today Without CEDAW - 28 May 

A Celebration of the 40th anniversary of CEDAW. Speaker: Aruna Devi Narain (pictured). Chair: Christine Chinkin. 

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Women's Peace Activism: Iran, Iraq and Syria -  3 May

Speakers: Nina Ansary, Zeynep Kaya, Laila Alodaat. Chair: Louise Arimatsu. 

Patricia Viseur Sellers

What Does a Gender Perspective Bring to Crimes Against Humanity Genocide, and War Crimes? - 2 May 

A Conversation between Patricia Sellers and Akila Radhakrishnan. Chair: Christine Chinkin.

 Play audio recording

Refugee camp sq

The Protection of Refugees Living in Camps: The Gap between Law and Practice - 6 February 

Speakers: Elizabeth Donnelly, Beth Gardiner Smith, Rebecca Chapman, Mark Scott, Ian Shaw. Chair: Stephanie Harrison QC.Read the Protecting Women and Girls in Refugee Camps report


1915 congress747

Women and Weapons -13 December 

Speakers: Ray Acheson, Renata Dwan (pictured), Rebecca Johnson,  Anna Stavrianakis. Chair: Christine Chinkin. Play audio recording

Oxford Handbook of WPS cover

From Pillars to Practice: Pushing the Boundaries of ‘Women, Peace and Security' - 29 November 

Speakers: Toni Haastrup,Henri Myrttinen.  Aisling Swaine,  Jacqui True. Chair: Bela Kapur. Play audio recording 



#AidToo: Where do we go from here?- 15 October 

Speakers:  Lesley Agams (pictured), Shaista Aziz, Aiko Holvikivi, Armine Ishkanian. Chair: Marsha Henry. Play audio recording


Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: Strengthening legal responses in Somalia - 19 June 

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict. Speakers: Deqa Yasin; Antonia Mulvey Chair: Christine Chinkin. Read the Minister's speech

Image of Laura Shepherd

Countering Violence, Countering Extremism: The Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Service of Countering Violent Extremism - 27 April 
Speaker: Laura J. Shepherd. Chair: Paul Kirby


Displacement and Women's Economic Empowerment: Voices
of Displaced Women in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq - 24 April 
Speakers: Brita Fernandez Schmidt , Zeynep N. Kaya. 
Read: Executive Summary I Report 

Aisling Swaine

From Transitional To Transformative: justice for conflict-related violence against women - 23 April 
Speakers: Christine Bell; Aisling Swaine. Chair: Christine Chinkin
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WPS Global Index

Measuring progress on women's inclusion, justice and security - 30 November 

Speakers: Gary L Darmstadt, Jeni Klugman, Anita Raj, Frances Stewart; Chair: Paul Kirby. Play audio recording. 


Gender Equality: How can the UN lead? - 7 November 

Speakers: Jane Connors, Aoife O'Donoghue, Rosalyn Park, Navi Pillay; Chair: Christine Chinkin. Play audio recording.

Feminist concert in Bogota Colombia

Feminist social mobilisation in the negotiation and construction of peace in Colombia - 18 October 

Speaker: Erika Rodríguez Gómez; Chair: Lisa Gormley. Watch event recording


Chile: promoting the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean - 28 September 

Speaker: Marcela Vergara; Chair: Marsha Henry. Watch event recording.

Women peacekeepers

UN Peace Operations: Politics, Human Rights and Leadership - 21 September 

Speakers: Diane Corner, Bintou Keita, Karin Landgren; Chair: Bela Kapur. Play audio recording.


Engaging Communities in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: Women, Peace and Security in practice in Pakistan - 1 August 

Speaker: Mossarat Qadeem; Chair: Zeynep Kaya. Watch event recording.

Cover of International Law and New Wars

International Law and New Wars - 20 June 

Speakers: Christine Chinkin, Mary Kaldor, Javier Solana; Chair: Toby Dodge. Play audio recording

Masika Katsuva

Film Screening: Under the Shadow - 6 June 

Speakers: Sofia Candeias, Fiona Lloyd-Davies and Vava Tampa; Chair: Joanne Neenan.


Women, Peace and Security in the Global Arena - 5 June 

Speakers: Nana Bemma Nti, Christine Chinkin, Jeni Klugman, Jacqui True and Torunn L Tryggestad; Chair: Paul Kirby. Play audio recording.


Butterfly Politics - 18 May 

Speaker: Catharine A MacKinnon; Chair: Christine Chinkin. Play audio recording.


After Rape: violence, justice and social harmony in Uganda - 9 May 

Speakers: Holly Porter, Adam Branch; Chair: Professor Tim Allen. Co-hosted with Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, the Department of International Development, the Justice and Security Research Programme and the International African Institute.


Tightening the Purse Strings: What countering terrorism financing costs gender equality and security - 8 May 

Speakers: Isabelle Geuskens, Jayne Huckerby, Zarina Khan; Chair: Zeynep Kaya. Play audio recording


Sexual Violence in War - 27 January 

Speaker: Elisabeth Jean Wood.

Image of Dubravka Šimonovic

Combatting and Preventing Violence against Women: from CEDAW to Istanbul and beyond - 12 January 

Speaker: Dubravka Šimonović; Chair: Christine Chinkin. Play audio recording.



Working on Gender Equality in Fragile Contexts - 6 December 

Speakers: Bele Grau; Diana Koester; Corrie Sissons; Rainatou Sow; Discussant: Hannah Bond; Introduction: Christine Chinkin; Chair: Caroline Sweetman. Download Audio I Download Video.


Women's Human Rights and Access to Justice for Gender-Based Violence: A view from legal practice in the UK - 10 November 

Speakers: Karon Monaghan, Pragna Patel and Harriet Wistrich; Chair: Lisa Gormley. Play audio recording.


Social Transformation in Post Conflict Nepal: A gender perspective - 8 November 

Speakers: Punam Yadav, Marsha Henry and David N. Gellner; Chair: Christine Chinkin. Play audio recording (Note: varying sound levels during Q&A session). 


Women and the Reform of the Security Sector in the D.R.Congo: Using UNSCR 1325 to ensure women’s participation in decision-making - 1 November 

Speakers: Eve Bazaiba, Furaha Mussanzi, Sophia Pickles; Chair: Marsha Henry.


Tackling Sexual Violence in Conflict: An integrated approach - 31 October 

Speakers: Baroness Anelay, Brita Fernandez Schmidt, Antoinette Uwimana; Chair: Christine Chinkin. Video.


The Spectral Wound: Sexual violence, public memories and the Bangladesh war of 1971 - 13 October 

Speaker: Nayanika Mookherjee; Discussants: Erica Hall, Kolbassia Haoussou, Naila Kabeer, Denisa Kostovicova; Chair: Marsha Henry.

Image of Madeleine Rees

Myths and Realities in Women, Peace and Security -  22 September 

Speaker: Madeleine Rees, Secretary General of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and Visiting Professor in Practice; Chair: Christine Chinkin. Download Video.


Women’s Participation and Decision Making in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Rien San Les Femmes movement - 9 September 

Speaker: Solange Lwashiga Furaha, national spokesperson of Rien Sans Les Femmes (Nothing Without Women). 


Prosecuting Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: What have we learnt? - 16 June 

Conference in which prosecutors, advocates and practitioners reflected on lessons learned from international, regional and hybrid tribunals, highlighting specific experience from local jurisdictions.


Rape as a Practice of War: Towards a typology of political violence - 19 May 

Speaker: Elisabeth Jean Wood. Co-hosted with the Conflict Research Group at LSE and the Conflict, Security and Development Research Group at Kings College London.


Women, Peace and Security Conversations: Exploring hierarchies of wartime sexual violence - 10 May 

Speaker: Olivera Simić; Chair: Marsha Henry. 


Women, Peace and Security Post-2015: Concepts, criticisms and challenges -  9 & 10 March 

Workshop with support from the British International Studies Assocation Gendering IR Working Group and UNSW Australia. The workshop coincided with the publication of a special issue of International Affairs The Futures of Women, Peace and Security.


Tackling Violence Against Women: International and regional approaches - 4 February 

Workshop bringing together stakeholders to exchange knowledge and feed into the discussions of the CEDAW Committee Working Group in charge of updating General Recommendation No.19. Download the agenda (PDF).


Violence Against Women and Islam: Dispelling stereotypes and telling truths - 4 February 

Speaker: Commissioner Khariroh Ali; Chair: Jane Gordon. In partnership with Sisters For Change. Download presentation slides (PDF).



Women, Peace and Security Conversations:  Charlesworth and Chinkin re-examine the boundaries of international law - 15 December 

Speakers: Professor Hilary Charlesworth, Professor Christine Chinkin. Chair: Gina Heathcote. Play audio recording.


Stigma and Justice: Addressing the needs of survivors of sexual violence in conflict zones - 3 December 
Speakers: Baroness Joyce Anelay, Erica Hall, Hilary Stauffer, Beini Ye; Chair: Professor Christine Chinkin. Download the report (PDF).


The Politics of Gender Justice at the International Criminal Court: Legacies and legitimacy - 26 November 
Speaker: Louise Chappell; Chair: Devika Hovell. Play audio recording.


Towards a Feminist Foreign Policy - 9 November 

Speakers:  Christine Chinkin, Zainab Salbi, Margot Wallström; Chair: Erik Berglof. In partnership with the Institute of Global Affairs. Event recording: Play I Download Audio I Download Video.


What Next for the UK's WPS Agenda? - 9 November 

Workshop in partnership with Women for Women International (UK) and the UK network for Gender Action Peace and Security (GAPS). Download the summary report (PDF) I Read our storify of the event I Social media round up from Women for Women International.


Women, Peace and Security Conversations: Exploring issues old and new with Cynthia Enloe - 15 October 

Speakers: Marsha Henry, Cynthia Enloe. Play audio recording.


CEDAW Today: Evolution and challenges in a conflict-affected world - 14 October 

Speakers: Jane Connors,  Lilian Hofmeister; Chair: Professor Christine Chinkin. In partnership with the Austrian Embassy in London. Play audio recording.

Image of Professor Christine Chinkin

Women, Peace and Security: Tackling the cycle of violence against women - 8 October 

Speaker: Professor Christine Chinkin; Chair: Marsha Henry. Event recording: Play | Download  Audio I Download Video.


Dealing with Wartime Rape in Kosovo: Women's silence and voices - 18 June 
Speakers: Professor Anna De Lellio, Denisa Kostovicova; Chair: Professor Christine Chinkin.


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