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Behavioural Lab

For Prospective Donors 

We also consider applications from external researchers and collaborative projects with external organisations.


The LSE Behavioural Lab (BL) facilitates world-class behavioural research by providing state-of-the-art facilities for researchers in Central London.

Behavioural research is the analysis and investigation of human behaviour through observation and scientific experimentation. Studies often examine behaviour in various fields, such as behavioural economics, pshychology, judgement and decision making, management, marketing, organisational behaviour, team dynamics, leadership, creativity, consumer choice, incentives, behavioural public policy and behavioural game theory.

The field of psychology has long relied on laboratory research and, as scholars explore the psychological aspects of organisational behaviour and decision making, they have begun to see the advantages of using laboratory methods. With its researcher controlled environment, lab research is an important complement to field research. 

The support of our valued partners and donors helps ensure that our facilities remain state of the art in the face of continuous technical and social change and as the team grows to develop our research further.

We welcome all enquiries about donations to our work and facilities. If you are interested in becoming a donor and partner please contact the team on bl@lse.ac.uk 

Explore BL