Julien has a BSc. in Economics from Ecole Normale Superieure Paris-Saclay and a BSc. in applied Mathematics from University Paris XI. In 2018, he received an MSc. in Economics from University of Paris-Saclay, where he specialised in decision theory and econometrics. From October 2018 to April 2019, Julien worked as a research assistant in the experimental economic laboratory of Paris before joining the MPhil/PhD programme in Environmental Economics at LSE.
Julien’s PhD work focuses on designing and assessing behavioural policies to foster pro-environmental behaviours. Julien is particularly interested in the factors affecting the effectiveness of these behavioural interventions and their side effects on decisions they were not initially targeting.
Research interests
- Behavioural interventions and their spillover effects
- Microeconomic theory
- Waste economy
Circular economy
Skills: Python, R, z-Tree, PsychoPy, Qualtrics
Scholarships and awards
LSE Scholarship (2019)
Best presentation prize, Early Career Colloquium of the Regional Science Association International – British and Irish Section (2021)
Frederick Soddy’s postgraduate award (£6,000), Royal Geographic Society (2021)
Provisional thesis title: Barriers to behavioural interventions promoting environmentally sustainable lifestyles
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View Julien's CV.
Prof Susana Mourato
Dr Eugenie Dugoua
Dr Marion Dumas