Dr Qingfei  Yin

Dr Qingfei Yin

Assistant Professor

Department of International History

Room No
Office Hours
Wednesday, 12pm - 1pm; and Thursday, 10am - 11am (By appointment on Student Hub)
English, Mandarin, Vietnamese
Key Expertise
Contemporary East Asia, Cold War, Borderlands

About me

Dr Qingfei Yin is Assistant Professor of International History (China and the World) at LSE. As a historian of contemporary China and inter-Asian relations, her research focuses on China’s relations with its Asian neighbours, Asian borderlands, and the Cold War in Asia. She is particularly interested in how the global Cold War interacted with state-building projects in Asia. Her first book State Building in Cold War Asia: Comrades and Competitors on the Sino-Vietnamese Border (Cambridge University Press, 2024) weaves together international, national, and transnational-local histories to present a new approach to the highly volatile Sino-Vietnamese relations, centering on the two modernising revolutionary powers' competitive and collaborative state building on the borderlands and local responses to it. Subsequent projects are a history of China's ocean shipping industry and the historical memory of the Sino-Vietnamese Cold War partnership in the two countries. Her research has been funded by the Association for Asian Studies China and Inner Asia Council and Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies.

Qingfei is an alumna of the LSE-Peking University Double MSc in International Affairs Programme. She studied International Politics and History at Peking University for her undergraduate degrees and completed her PhD in History at George Washington University. Before returning to LSE, she was Assistant Professor of History at Virginia Military Institute. She also serves as the Book Review Editor of Journal of Military History and on the Editorial Board of Cold War History.

Qingfei is a passionate scholar-teacher. She has been nominated for the LSESU Teaching Awards multiple times. In 2024, she is among the recipients of LSE Excellence in Education Award.

Other titles: MSc International and Asian History Programme Director; LSE-NUS Double Degree MA Asian and International History; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion  - EDI Representative.

Expertise Details

Cold War; China; Vietnam; China-Southeast Asia Relations; Borderlands

Teaching and supervision

Dr Qingfei Yin teaches the following courses in the Department:

Undergraduate level:

HY335: History of Foreign Relations of the People’s Republic of China, 1949-2008

Postgraduate level:

HY4B7: Asian Borderlands

HY4A4: Dissertation with Asian Focus


  • HY113: Empires and Resistance in Global History
  • HY116: International Politics since 1914: Peace and War
  • HY120: Historical Approaches to the Modern World

PhD Supervision

  • Zhen Hao Liew, "Carceral Spaces and Punitive Mobilities: Re-examining Chinese migration in Colonial Maritime Southeast Asia, 1900-1957" (Co-Supervisor)



Peer-Reviewed Articles

Selected Other Publications