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Global Urban Worlds

We are the largest group of experts on the social, political and environmental aspects of global urban change at LSE.

Our research is based on long-term research in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America and the Middle East. We draw on theories and approaches from human geography, anthropology, and sociology, and across the inter-disciplinary fields of urban studies and postcolonial studies.  

Research on this theme is at the forefront of understanding the socio-spatial dynamics of urban inequality, geographies of race and nature, and the political economy of capitalism. Our expertise spans work on the right to the city, urban displacement and refugees, violence and security in cities, the intertwining of urban labour and recycling economies, and the politics of transnational care work.

Our research also investigates the urban cultural and material geographies of gender and sexuality, and practices of place, home and belonging.

Key research areas


Urban Displacement and Right to the City



Gender and Sexuality



Violence and Insecurity 



Place, Home and Belonging



Labour Geographies and Care Work



Related research centres and units 

Our experts work closely with LSE's world-leading research centres. These include:

Related research seminars

We organise expert-led research seminars that take place throughout the year. Many are open to the public. These include: