
Past projects

Find out more about past LSE Health projects and the impact this research has had


Global Health

Analysing the equity dimensions of a universal health care program in Kenya

Building a Case for Investment in Health Science Research and Research Capacity in Africa

Commonwealth Fund International Profiles of Health Care Systems

Costing of equipment and instrument requirements for children's surgical care

Covid-19 public policy implementation: interventions and innovations from Africa

The COVID-19 crisis in divided societies: an international survey to explore the actual and perceived consequences in India, South Africa and Brazil

Determinants of Antibiotic Prescribing in Primary Care in South Africa: Studying Patient-Provider Interactions in the Private and Public Sectors

Gender & COVID-19: Real time gender analysis of the gendered dynamics of COVID-19 and gaps in preparedness and response

GRIP-Health: Getting Research Into Policy in Public Health

Gulf Health Policy Observatory Scoping Exercise

Have malaria elimination efforts in Southern Mozambique protected school outcomes against the COVID-19 pandemic?

Health Systems Pathways: Improving adolescent access to contraception and safe abortion in sub-Saharan Africa

Impact HTA: Improved methods and actionable tools for enhancing HTA

Investigating the Determinants of Health Worker Performance in Senegal

PERISCOPE: Understanding the response to COVID-19 and enhancing preparedness for future pandemics

Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Access to, Utlisation of, and Satisfaction with Healthcare Services in Kuwait: Evidence from the WHO World Health Survey

A Scorecard to Inform Policy Assessing Risk & Ensuring Reproductive Rights During COVID-19

TB-REP: Health Systems Strengthening for Enhanced Tuberculosis Prevention and Care

The Macroeconomic Effects of Health Policy Reforms in Kazakhstan

Zika and the Regulation of Health Emergencies: Medical Abortion in Brazil, Colombia and El Salvador


Health Economics


Health Policy

An evaluation of the Acute Frailty Network

BD4BO: Big Data for Better Outcomes


Building a Case for Investment in Health Science Research and Research Capacity in Africa

CARDIOPROOF: Proof of Concept of Model-based Cardiovascular Prediction

Commonwealth Fund International Profiles of Health Care Systems

Determinants of Antibiotic Prescribing in Primary Care in South Africa: Studying Patient-Provider Interactions in the Private and Public Sectors

DRIVE-AB: Driving Re-Investment in R&D and Responsible Antibiotic Use

Efficiency potentials in the Austrian social insurance and health system

European Commission Funded Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Research

Exploring physician altruism to improve quality of care

Gender & COVID 19: Real time gender analysis of the gendered dynamics of COVID-19 and gaps in preparedness and response

GRIP-Health: Getting Research Into Policy in Public Health

Gulf Health Policy Observatory Scoping Exercise

Health Care Technology Diffusion in the NHS and Workforce Impact

International Working Group on Care for High-Need, High-Cost Patients, Year 7

Investigating the Determinants of Health Worker Performance in Senegal

Local treatment of cervical pre-invasive and early invasive disease: synthesis of the evidence and network meta-analysis on efficacy and treatment-related reproductive morbidity

LSE-Lancet Commission on the Future of the NHS

Multi-disciplinary research for the strategic and translational development of a late-stage tuberculosis vaccine candidate

Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Access to, Utlisation of, and Satisfaction with Healthcare Services in Kuwait: Evidence from the WHO World Health Survey

A Scorecard to Inform Policy Assessing Risk & Ensuring Reproductive Rights During COVID-19

System Dynamics Modelling for Collaborative, Evidence-Based Design of Interventions to Reduce Tuberculosis Transmission in South African Health Facilities

Targeting Innovation in Antibiotic Drug Discovery: The Need for a One Health - One Europe - One World Fraemwork

TB-REP: Health Systems Strengthening for Enhanced Tuberculosis Prevention and Care

The Macroeconomic Effects of Health Policy Reforms in Kazakhstan


Health Technology & Regulation Assessment


Past projects